Director’s Foreword
Dear friends of acid base!
It is my big pleasure and honour to welcome you to the very first edition of Summer School of Clinical Acid Base and Homeostasis. In November 2018 we (Paul Elbers, Tom Langer and myself) organized an advanced 1 day acid base course attached to International Fluid Academy Day in Amsterdam. We had a fantastic time (Fig. 1) and it was my impression that the participants also enjoyed the course. We all certainly enjoyed the wisdom of Luciano Gattinoni. Yet, way too often we’ve heard the customary “We could spend whole lecture on this…” or “We have no time to go deeply into it…”. At this point we wished we had enough time for thorough discussion of this beautiful but difficult topic and that is how the idea of organizing summer school was born.

So it happened and it is now up to you to judge whether our efforts were successful. Based on your feedback, we will try to improve the upcoming series.
The summer school has been organized with financial support from “4EU plus” start-up collaborative project between Charles University, University of Copenhagen and University of Milano. Charles University offered venue for free, and none of the lecturers requested a lecture fee. My thanks belong to all of the above, course co-directors Thomas Langer and Morten Bestle, and last but not least to Radka Tichá and Markéta Widimská, who immensely helped with the course logistics and administration.
Warm regards,
František Duška
on behalf of course organizers
EACCME Accreditation

The Summer School of Clinical Acid-Base and Homeostasis, Prague, Czech Republic, 18/09/2019-21/09/2019 has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 19 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.
Course Faculty and Contributors
Morten Heiberg Bestle
Senior Consultant in the ICU at Nordsjællands University Hospital, and Associate Professor at The University of Copenhagen in Denmark. Morten’s research interests are in targeted temperature management and fluid regulations.

Serena Brusatori
Trainee in anaesthetics. University Of Milano (Milan, Italy). Serena works on acid-base research with Thomas Langer.
Pietro Caironi
Associate Professor University of Turin, department of anaesthesia and critical care, at the University of Milan, Italy. He graduated with honors from the university of Milan, Italy in 2000 and achieved the same highest level of distinction in his residency program in anaesthesia and critical care in 2004. He did his internship in medicine, anaesthesia and critical care at the University of Milan and was also a research fellow at the Massachusetts general hospital, Harvard medical school, Boston, USA. In particular he has been awarded as a finalist of the Cournand and Comroe Young Investigator Award within cardiopulmonary and critical care council of the American Heart Association in 2004 and in 2008 he has received the ECCRN Clinical research Award of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine. He has more than 41 publications, 17 book chapters, 55 abstracts and 17 proceedings to his credit. He holds various teaching activities in the University of Milan and also sits in the Editorial Board of Minerva Anesthesiologica and as reviewer for Intensive Care Medicine, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Minerva Anesthesiologica and Blood Transfusion. Assoc. Prof Caironi’s main research interest is in the area of lung physiology and acute respiratory failure, sepsis, urinary electrolytes and renal function and fluid therapy.

František Duška
The author of the idea of Summer School of Acid Base. Head of The Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care FNKV University Hospital and 3rd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University (Czech Republic). Apart from research interests in muscle metabolism and bioenergetic failure in the critically ill, Franki is a practicing intensivists with interest in medical education. He is a chair of the Division of Professional Development of European Society of Intensive Care Medicine and has been a director of European Diploma in Intensive Care (EDIC) exam centre in Prague. Franki loves trout fishing and he is a keen beekeeper.
Paul W. G. Elbers
Intensivist Amsterdam UMC, Location VUmc (Amsterdam, Netherlands). Special interests include medical data science, quantitative acid base analysis, fluid therapy, ultrasound, pharmacometrics and the human microcirculation. He is known for the project on personalizing antibiotic dosing and, for acid-base analysis and Stewart’s Textbook of Acid-Base.

Theis Skovsgaard Itenov
is in specialist training in anesthesiology and intensive care, and currently holds a position at the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive care, Nordsjællands Hospital, Denmark. He has a research interest in sepsis and septic shock with focus on endothelial damage, acute kidney injury and fluid homeostasis.
Martin Krbec
Trainee in anaesthetics and intensive care. Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic) He is a PhD student of Franki looking at Sources of error in acid-base calculation.

Mark W. Langer
Trainee in Anaesthesia and intensive care in Copenhagen. Special interest in acid-base calculation and interventions according to Stewart’s approach.
Thomas Langer
Assistant Professor University Of Milano (Milan, Italy) Thomas Langer is researcher at the University of Milano, Italy and works in the pediatric ICU. He graduated in 2008 in Medicine at the University of Milan and in 2014 he was board certified in Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine by the same University. From 2011 to 2012, he was research fellow of the National Research Council at the United States Army Institute for Surgical Research in San Antonio, Texas. His main research interests are acid-base physiology, fluid therapy, respiratory physiology, control of breathing and extracorporeal gas exchange.

David Lodahl
Consultant intensivist at Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, Aalborg . University Hospital. Research interest: Procalcitonin in infections diagnostics, Ventilator settings, volume resuscitation. Fields of teaching: Respiratory and circulatory physiology.
Manu Malbrain
ICU Director, University Hospital Brussels. Manu Malbrain (1965) qualified as MD from the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium in 1991. He is married to Bieke Depré and they have 3 sons: Jacco, Milan and Luca. He is the manager and director of the Medical and Surgical ICU, the High Care Burn Unit and a hyperbaric oxygen chamber of the ZNA “Ziekenhuis Netwerk Antwerpen”, Campus Stuivenberg/St-Erasmus in Antwerp, Belgium. As of May 1st this year he became the medical hospital director of the ZNA Stuivenberg and St-Erasmus hospi-tals. He is a critical care physician (1996) with a basic training in internal medicine (1991). He is actively involved in the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM). He is the founding President and actually the Treasurer of the World Society on Abdominal Compartment Syndrome (WSACS at Together with Niels Van Regenmortel, he is co-founder of the International Fluid Academy ( and co-chaired the first 2 iFAD meetings on November 19th in 2011 and November 17th 2012 in Antwerp. Besides IAP, his favourite topic is less invasive (hemodynamic) monitoring and he enjoys his active involvement in (bedside) teaching and education of medical trainees and students. In 2003 he was the first ESICM Chris Stoutenbeek Award winner in Amsterdam with a study protocol on different intra-abdominal pressure measurement methods and he successfully defended his PhD doctorate’s thesis in 2007 on the same topic (KU Leuven)

Martin Matějovič
Head of Dept. of Medicine I, University Hospital Plzen, Professor of Medicine, Charles University (Plzen, Czech Republic). Martin qualified in internal medicine, nephrology and intensive care. He did part of his PhD in Ulm, Germany. In his free time he is a keen sportsman, running half marathons.
Mikuláš Mlček
Assistant Professor of Physiology, Charles University, Prague. Mikuláš is a teacher of physiology, who is a pioneer of simulation. His particular interest is the border between physiology as a science and intensive care.

Petr Waldauf
Consultant intensivist, Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care FNKV University Hospital and 3rd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University (Czech Republic). Petr is a practicing intensivist and data scientist. He loves computers, equations, statistics and, of course, acid-base.
Additional Information
Organizing Committee
František Duška Charles University | Course director |
Thomas Langer University of Milan | Co-director |
Morten H. Bestle University of Copenhagen | Co-director |
Radka Tichá Charles University | Event manager |
Markéta Widimská Charles University | Event manager |