Registration and fees
Medical doctors:
7.800 CZK (approx. 308 €)
Other healthcare professionals and students:
3.900 CZK (approx. 154 €)
Director’s Foreword
Dear Acid-Base Enthusiasts,
Welcome to the third edition of the Summer School of Clinical Acid-Base and Homeostasis. This program began as part of the Advanced Acid-Base Course in November 2018, held during the International Fluid Academy Day (IFAD) in Amsterdam. While that event was lively and informative, the short duration left many feeling that more time was needed to fully explore the subject (I am sure you have heard when it started to be interesting “This deserves an entire lecture of its own, we unfortunately do not have time…”) This led to the creation of the summer school—a space for deeper learning on this complex but important topic. Our first session in September 2019 exceeded expectations. Though the 2020-2022 events were postponed due to COVID, we resumed in 2023 and continue moving forward.
Goals of the Summer School:
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
- Confidently interpret blood gas analyses at the bedside.
- Explain how the body maintains homeostasis.
- Understand acid-base balance and how bodily fluids are buffered.
- Describe gas exchange and how ventilation is regulated.
- Apply both traditional bicarbonate-based and simplified quantitative models at the bedside, and recognize their complementary uses.
- Discuss the diagnosis and management of osmolarity disorders.
- Debate the effects of infusion fluids on hemodynamics, organ function, and acid-base balance.
- Prevent and manage fluid overload in critically ill patients.
This summer school has been made possible through the support of the 4EU+ initiative, a partnership between Charles University, the University of Copenhagen, and the University of Milan. Charles University has kindly provided the venue at a reduced cost, and our lecturers have generously donated their time without charging fees. Special thanks go to all our partners, the Didaktikon team, and especially to Radka Tichá for her help in organizing the course.
I hope you find this experience both educational and enjoyable. Welcome to the beautiful city of Prague!
Warm regards,

František Duška
Course Director
on behalf of the faculty and course organizers
EACCME Accreditation

The Summer School of Clinical Acid-Base and Homeostasis, Prague, Czech Republic 18/09/2024 – 21/09/2024, has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 21.0 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.
Course Faculty and Contributors
Morten H. Bestle | University of Copenhagen |
Serena Brusatori | University of Milan |
Pietro Caironi | University of Turin |
František Duška | Charles University, Prague |
Luciano Gattinoni | University of Göttingen |
Lorenzo Giosa | King’s College London |
Micah L. A. Heldeweg | Amsterdam University Medical Center |
Martin Krbec | Charles University, Prague |
Thomas Langer | University of Milano-Bicocca |
David Lodahl | Aalborg University |
Manu Malbrain | Medical University of Lublin |
Stephen E. Rees | Aalborg University |
Niels van Regenmortel | University of Antwerp |
Petr Waldauf | Charles University, Prague |
Francesco Zadek | University of Milano-Bicocca |
Additional Information
Organizing Committee
František Duška Charles University | Director | |
Serena Brusatori University of Milan | Co-director | |
Morten H. Bestle University of Copenhagen | Co-director | |
Martin Krbec Charles University | Co-director | |
Radka Tichá Charles University | Event manager |
The members of the Organizing Committee declare that they have no potential conflict of interest to report.